"3+1 Trip"

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Maret 2018 bisa dibilang adalah bulan liburan buat gue. Gimana nggak, di bulan yang sama gue dapet jatah liburan yang lumayan banyak yaitu sekitar 11 hari. Cerita sedikit kalau tempat dimana gue kerja itu nggak punya waktu libur yang sama dengan project lainnya, maka dari itu kalau gue mau melakukan liburan atau perjalanan, gue harus ijin dari jauh-jauh hari.

Setelah libur Natal dan Tahun Baru lalu, gue tanya ke bos gue, kira-kira di bulan apa aja gue bisa Urlaub (liburan dalam bahasa Jerman). Kemudian bos gue ngasih tahu tanggal dan bulan apa aja yang ada event-event pentingnya, seperti Osterfest (Festival Paskah), Sommerfest (Festival Musim Panas), dan lain-lain. Dan kalau ada event itu berarti gue nggak bisa liburan dan harus kerja. Dari situ gue punya ide untuk ‘booking’ pekan-pekan yang pengen gue jadiin hari libur gue. Karena gue tipikal orang yang "Work Hard Play Hard", alias sekalinya kerja kerja sampe tepar, tapi sekalinya libur ya bener-bener libur panjang. Gue ambil beberapa hari Jumat di awal Maret dan juga awal April untuk Urlaub, dan juga 1 minggu penuh di bulan Maret, Mei, dan Juli. Untuk rencana di bulan-bulan berikutnya nggak akan gue ceritain lah yaa, kan belum kesana juga. Jadi, nanti akan gue ceritain setelah melakukan perjalanan itu. Sekarang gue akan membagikan cerita liburan gue yang kemarin gue lakukan pada tanggal 2- 4 dan 24-30 Maret.

Untuk kesempatan liburan kali ini gue memilih untuk "menyapu bersih" kota-kota di dalam negeri (Jerman). Ya, nggak semua kota gue kunjungin sih, karena budget dan waktu yang terbatas, hehehe. Kebetulan juga di satu angkatan gue (angkatan relawan internasional 2017-2018), semua relawan tersebar di seluruh penjuru Jerman. Alhasil, kami bisa saling mengunjungi satu sama lain dan bisa nge-host satu sama lain juga. Asyik, kan?

Kota pertama adalah Hamburg. Gue liburan cuma 3 hari 2 malam, tepatnya dari tanggal 2 sampai 4 Maret. Disana ada temen relawan yang berasal dari Mexico, namanya Yosef. Dia yang nge-host gue selama di Hamburg. Kebetulan Yosef kerja di hostel, dan otomatis gue dapet kamar gratis tis tis, tanpa bayar sepeserpun. Awalnya gue kaget banget, kayak gak percaya gitu, mengingat kejadian waktu di Frankfurt yang sedikit memakan banyak ongkos untuk akomodasinya (Perjalanan Tak Terlupakan di Frankfurt). Gue sempet gue tanya berulang kali ke Yosef ini beneran gratis apa nggak. Dia bilang gue bukan orang pertama yang nginep di hostel itu, jadi gue bisa nginep disana. Sumpah yaa, pastinya gue seneng banget dapet akomodasi gratis dan layaknya turis yang nginep di hostel gitu. Makan pun juga gratis, bisa ambil sepuasnya dari buffet. Hehehe. (Alhamdulillah).
Landungsbrücken, Hamburg

Kota-kota lainnya yang gue kunjungin adalah Dortmund dan Munich (München). Di kedua kota tersebut juga gue dapet akomodasi gratis. Hehehe. Ya, karena di dua kota tersebut juga ada dua relawan lainnya yang bisa gue tumpangin. Terimakasih untuk Avi dan Silver!

Namun ada 1 kota lagi yang nggak terlalu gue rencanain sebelumnya. Kalo yang ini gue nggak butuh akomodasi karena bisa bolak-balik naik kereta dari Munich, yaitu kota Salzburg, Austria. Yap, akhirnya keluar negeri lagi setelah Polandia hehehehe. Ke Salzburg pun nggak begitu direncanakan, bisa dibilang nggak sama sekali karena baru memutuskan buat kesana satu hari sebelumnya dan itu semua berkat informasi dan ide temen gue, Anastasya. Makasih sist!

Jadi apa yang gue lakukan di Hamburg, Dortmund, Munich + Salzburg?

Di Hamburg, gue jalan-jalan beberapa tempat, seperti Rathaus (balai kota), Binnenalster dan Auβenalster (danau), Museum Maritim Internasional, Landungbrücken (pelabuhan), Hansabrunnen (alun-alun), St. George Kirchof  (gereja), Hamburg Central Mosque, dan Plante un Blomen juga Reeperbahn St. Pauli. Untuk sebagian dari kalian yang udah tahu Reeperbahn St. Pauli itu tempat apa, gue nggak akan jelasin disini lebih lanjut. Atau buat kalian yang belum tahu, kalian bisa Googling aja itu tempat apaan. Tapi gue ke Reeperbahnn cuma lewat aja karena yaa itu katanya termasuk tempat wisata, jadi gue kesana. Ternyata setelah kesana, cukup membuat gue terkejut, jadi memutuskan untuk lewat aja dan nggak pake mampir-mampir. Hahahaha.

at Auβenalster


at Rathaus
International Maritime Museum

"Titanic" at International Maritime Museum

Apa enak dan nggak enaknya selama di Hamburg
Masih ada salju dan gue main salju disana. Cihuuuyyy. Tapi sayangnya saljunya kayak garam, nggak padat kayak di Berlin. Jadi ketika gue bikin manusia salju, jadinya kecil banget wkwkwkwk. Sisi bagus lainnya adalah, gue bisa bilang liburan di Hamburg adalah termasuk liburan yang paling murah dan paling menyenangkan. 
Me and my little snowman

Landungsbrücken in the morning

The twilight at Landungsbrücken

Tapi pasti ada sisi kurang enaknya, yang membuat gue jadi agak kurang suka sama Hamburg. Pertama, kesan gue terhadap kota ini adalah kotor. Nggak beda jauh sama Berlin, mungkin karena kota terbesar kedua setelah Berlin, jadi tipikal kota besar, yaitu banyak orang, banyak turis, ada juga yang buang sampah sembarangan jadi yaa kotor. Kedua, anginnya booooo! Sebagai kota yang letaknya dipinggir laut, jelas angin laut mendominasi. Sama kayak waktu gue ke Rostock dan Gdansk (Polandia) dulu, pokoknya satu-satunya musuh para turis adalah angin laut yang kencengnya nggak nahan, plus masih musim dingin jadi yaa gitu deh. 

Bagaimana dengan Dortmund?
Kalau ini bisa dibilang liburan yang paling asyik, karena gue di host-in sama sesama relawan asal Indonesia, jadi sepanjang liburan kami menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Hahaha. Plus, kami ambil banyak gambar masing-masing, jadi bisa dibilang gue banyak stok foto yang full body karena difotoin sama temen gue tersebut. Hehehe. Walau nggak banyak tempat yang gue kunjungin, tapi kesan gue terhadap Dortmund itu bagus banget. Gue merasa nyaman selama liburan di Dortmund, karena selain tempatnya bersih, rapih, nggak banyak sampah, orang-orang lokalnya juga ramah. Tempat-tempat yang gue kunjungin diantaranya adalah Botanischer Garten Rombergpark, Stadtgarten, Westfalenpark, Phoenix See, St. Reinoldi Kirche, dan tentunya stadion sepak bola kepunyaan tim BVB Borussia Dortmund, yaitu Signal Iduna Park. Oyaa, gue juga ke TU (Technischen Universität) Dortmund cuma pengen tahu kereta gantung yang mereka punya. Hahahaha. Asyik banget pokoknya, dan ngebayangin kalau gue jadi mahasiswa disitu kayaknya kalau lagi gabut gue bakal sering-sering naik kereta gantungnya. Wkwkwk.
One-full day with a scooter
Me at The Rombergpark

A Beautiful Old House at Rombergpark
at Signal Iduna Park and BVB Fan World

I've visited Borussia Dortmund. Yeaaahh.

With a scooter I rolled over Phoenix See

Chill out a bit yeaah

at TU Dortmund

Hanging train at TU Dortmund

St. Reinoldi Kirche

Happy Easter from Dortmund

Berlin has bear, and Dortmund has rhinochero

Kalau Munich?
Yap, ini salah satu yang gue tunggu-tunggu dari lama. Awal-awal gue di Jerman gue sempet pesimis nggak bisa ke Munich karena jauh banget dari Berlin dan harga tiketnya juga cukup mahal, baik bus maupun kereta. Suatu hari gue dapet tiket kereta murah, jadi kenapa nggak gue kesana. Kebetulan ada temen sesama relawan juga yang tinggal disana, namanya Silver asal Taiwan. Meskipun apartemennya jauh banget dari pusat kota, tapi ya nggak apa-apa lah yaa. Dapet tumpangan juga udah beruntung hahaha.

Yang bikin gue puas banget jalan-jalan di Munich adalah karena siapa yang nggak tahu klub bola "Bayern München". Meskipun gue nggak terlalu gila bola, tapi sebagai perempuan gue cukup menggilai timnas sepakbola Jerman, dan pemain favorit gue adalah Manuel Neuer dan juga Thomas Müller. Jadi, makanya pas gue ke Munich itu rasanya gue excited banget karena ngebayangin gue satu udara dan satu daratan sama mereka. Hahahaha! Yang lucunya juga adalah, ketika perjalanan ke Munich dari Dortmund, gue ngelewatin satu kota kecil bernama Gelsenkirchen dan kota tersebut merupakan kota kelahiran Manuel Neuer. Itu excitement yang pertama. Excitement yang kedua jauh lebih unik lagi, ternyata saat perjalanan, kala itu tepat tanggal 27 Maret 2018, yang mana gue baru sadar dan baca-baca di wikipedia lagi kalau tanggal itu adalah tanggal lahir Manuel Neuer. SUPER BUKAN?!! Ini nggak gue rencanain sebelumnya sama sekali. Terjadi begitu aja. Sumpah, berkesan banget. Dan ditanggal yang sama gue menyentuh daratan Munich dan gue sih menganggapnya trip kali itu adalah spesial gue persembahkan buat kapten timnas Jerman yang dari 2010 gue jadikan sebagai pemain sepakbola favorit gue. Heuheu. Pokoknya, nggak bakal gue lupain deh!

Lalu apa yang gue dapetin selama di Munich?
Wah banyak!
Kalau orang-orang akan mengunjungi pusat kota dulu dan sekelilingnya. Gue beda. Gue ngincer stadion-stadion olahraga terlebih dahulu. Hahaha. Yap, mulai dari Allianz Arena sampai Olympiastadion. Oyaa, pas on the way dari Allianz Arena ke Olympiastadion, ternyata pas sampai di stasiun Olympiapark, area itu ternyata satu wilayah sama markas besar BMW, perusahaan mobil favorit gue. Sebagai penggemar BMW X6, gue cukup shock karena gue memasukan BMW Headquarter ke daftar kunjung gue nomor sekian. Ternyata tanpa diduga-duga, di area itu yaa ada BMW Headquarter itu. So, nggak boleh dilewatin dong. Oyaa, ada satu tempat lagi yang jadi incaran gue sebelum pergi ke Munich, yaitu taman Englischer Garten. Kenapa gue ngebet banget mau kesitu? Alasannya nggak penting sebenernya, karena taman itu biasa dipake Manuel Neuer buat lari/jogging gitu. Hahahaha. Ya, berkat bantuan Instagram, semua informasi jadi bisa gue dapetin dengan mudah. Hahaha. 
FC Bayern Munchen at Allianz Arena

Cool, huh?

at Olympiastadion Munich

BMW Headquarter

BMW Museum



Karlsplatz (Stachus)

at Marienplatz

at Max-Joseph-Platz

Trus kalau Salzburg, gimana?
Lalu, di tanggal 29 Maret 2018, gue memutuskan untuk melakukan perjalanan solo ke Salzburg, Austria. Yap, ini juga bikin gue excited. Karena setelah sekian lama nggak keluar border Jerman, gue akhirnya keluar lagi dari "comfort zone" juga. Hahahaha.

Mengapa ke Salzburg? Satu, karena jaraknya hanya 1,5 jam dengan kereta dari Munich. Kedua, karena Salzburg masih satu wilayah sama Bayern walaupun udah beda negara. Jadi, untuk tiket kereta dan lain sebagainya, bisa pakai Bayern Ticket. Semua informasi itu sebenernya gue dapet dari temen gue yang tinggal di Stuttgart, namanya Anastasya. Dia awalnya yang rekomen gue buat kesana karena dia sendiri udah pernah kesana. Setelah rempong tanya bolak balik sama dia, akhirnya gue beraniin diri buat ke Salzburg. So, thank you buat Anastasya yang udah mau gue repotin. Hehehehe.

Di Salzburg, gue nggak punya banyak waktu karena emang sengaja mau seharian aja disana. Gue berangkat dari Munich jam 09.55 pagi dan sampai disana pukul 11.40 waktu setempat. Sempet ada drama nyasar-nyasar dulu, maklum lah orang asing. Setelah 40 menit nyasar yang nggak tahu waktu itu gue nyasar kemana, pokoknya menjauh dari pusat kota, sekitar pukul 12.30 gue sampai di Altstadt atau kota tuanya. Tempat itu kayaknya emang khusus dijadikan tempat wisata, karena di area itu selain ada rumah kelahiran komposer hebat, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, atau Mozarts Geburtshaus, ada juga Monumen Mozart di area yang sama yang emang kayaknya udah terkenal banget. Ada juga kastil diatas bukit bernama Festung Hohensalzburg. Cukup memakan banyak energi buat sampai ke kastil ini karena memang letaknya di atas bukit. Tapi gue nggak sampe masuk ke kastilnya karena udah keburu kecapekan plus waktu itu hujan seharian jadi jalanan agak licin dan males juga buat nanjak-nanjak lagi. Hehehe. Sebenernya untuk bisa sampai kastil tersebut, turis bisa pake kereta listrik yang bisa membawa sekitar 10 orang menuju kastil itu, tapi karena bayarnya 12€ per orang (untuk dewasa), akhirnya yaa gue mending jalan kaki aja. Hahaha. Setelah lelah nanjak-nanjak puncak, akhirnya gue sampe di atas bukit itu yaa meskipun sekali lagi nggak sampe atas banget. Tapi dari atas bukit gue disuguhin dengan pemandangan yang super duper cantik! Wah, nggak nyesel pokoknya jauh-jauh dari Munich buat sampai ke Salzburg.
Welcome to Salzburg, Austria

in front of Mozart's Birthplace

südliche Dombogen

the view of Salzburg from the hill

Salzach river

"Deo Trino" Monument

Dom zu Salzburg

My favorite local transportation in Europe

Selain Festung Hohensalzburg, ada juga banyak gereja-gereja katolik di sekitarnya, seperti Stiftkirche Sankt Peter Salzburg, Erzdiözese Salzburg, Stift Nonnberg, Dom zu Salzburg (Salzburg Cathedral), dan Franziskanerkirche yang cukup memuaskan mata para turis yang datang. Selain itu ada juga südliche Dombogen dan Der Florianibrunnen yang juga nggak kalah bagus buat dijadiin daftar kunjung plus foto-foto trendy disana. Sayangnya gue nggak mengunjungi museum dan lain sebagainya walaupun ada museum Mozart juga, karena selain nggak ada waktu, budget gue pun terbatas. Hehehe.  

Setelah puas 4 jam keliling kota tua Salzburg, gue langsung balik ke Munich dan mengejar kereta pukul 16.15 supaya sampai ke Munich juga nggak terlalu kemalaman. Pas sampai di Munich pun rupanya gue belom puas jalan-jalan. Walaupun kondisi fisik udah capek dan gue terserang flu dan radang tenggorokan dikarenakan makan keripik kentang pedas terlalu banyak (jangan ditiru), tapi gue masih enjoy jalan-jalan kota. Gue ngelewatin satu gerbang yang istilahnya itu Bradenburger Tor-nya Munich lah, namanya Karlsplatz (Stachus). Setelah menembus gerbang itu, ternyata ada kawasan perbelanjaan dan destinasi wisata, mulai dari toko-toko baju, restoran, gereja-gereja, dan masih banyak lagi. Mungkin kalau disamakan dengan Berlin, kawasan Karlsplatz (Stachus) dan Marienplatz ini sama kayak Alexanderplatz lah. 

Kesan gue terhadap Munich?
Bahwa gue melihat Munich merupakan kota yang menurut gue lebih internasional dibanding Berlin. Ruang tata kotanya juga lebih rapih dan lebih bersih, kalau mau dibandingin sama Berlin yaa. Pokoknya gue nyaman banget selama liburan di Munich. Infrastrukturnya juga menurut gue lebih tertata dibanding Berlin. Gue nggak tahu apa itu sengaja dibuat lebih bagus karena saat itu adalah libur paskah, yang mana banyak turis asing berdatangan, atau emang udah dari sananya kayak gitu? Yang jelas, gue merasa puas banget jalan-jalan di Munich, meskipun nggak semua tempat gue kunjungin.

Bagaimana dengan Salzburg? 
Yap, gue terkesan banget selama disana. Meskipun kotanya bisa dibilang kecil, tapi infrastrukturnya rapih banget. Bersih, asri, walaupun banyak turis asing lalu-lalang. Dan yang membuat gue terkesima adalah transportasi disana. Kalau di kota-kota di Eropa lainnya rata-rata punya Tram (kereta yang relnya ada di jalan aspal), lain halnya di Salzburg, bisa dibilang nggak punya Tram. Tapi, tapi mereka punya bus yang mirip Tram. Hah? Gimana maksudnya? Ya, jadi busnya tetep kayak bus biasa tapi diatasnya ada pengait listriknya. Persis kayak Tram. Tapi bawahnya nggak pake rel dan di atasnya punya listriknya. Ya, pokoknya gitu. Unik ya?

Jadi, liburan 3+1 ini bisa dibilang liburan yang kelaki-lakian. Ya, 80% destinasi wisata gue itu klub sepakbola, pemain sepakbola, olahraga, dan dunia otomotif. Seperti yang gue bilang tadi gue nggak begitu gila bola, tapi sebagai penikmat olahraga dan penggemar berat Olimpiade, rasanya ada yang kurang kalau nggak ke destinasi-destinasi yang berhubungan dengan yang udah gue ceritain diatas. Khususnya ketika di Dortmund dan Munich, dua kota yang jadi saksi kebahagiaan gue melihat megahnya dua stadion terbesar di Jerman, Signal Iduna Park dan Allianz Arena. Plus, mengunjungi markas besar BMW yang berhasil membuat naluri keperempuanan gue berkurang selama 2 jam. Hahaha. 

Terimakasih Hamburg, Dortmund, Munich + Salzburg!
Semoga suatu hari gue bisa kesana lagi dan bisa gila-gilaan lagi. 
Jadi, ada yang bisa nebak kira-kira destinasi gue selanjutnya kemana?


On March 2018, I would say this is a month of my holiday. Not for whole month, but only 11 days cause I do have about 11 days of holiday. So, the project where I work, they don’t have the same holiday season just like another project. So, if I have a plan to go somewhere or doing a trip, then I should tell or ask to my boss to let me have a vacation for several days.

After Christmas and New Year holiday, I asked to my boss, which month could I have a Urlaub (vacation in German). Then, my boss told me the dates and months that would be important. So, there’s several event which is quite important for us, and thus I cannot have a vacation, such as Osterfest (Easter Festival), Sommerfest (Summer Festival), and so on. From that, I have an idea. I ask my boss to let me having vacation for several time. So I ‘booked’ one Friday off in the early March and April, one full week in the end of March, May, and also July. I won’t tell you what will I do in the next month or my next plan, the thing is now I can share to you about my vacation during last March.

For this chance, I ‘swept off’ the cities in Germany. The fortunate thing that I have is because I have certain friends that live in several cities in Germany. All of my friends from the voluntary program is widespread over the length and breadth of Germany. So, basically we can visit and host for one each other. Cool, huh?

The first city that I visited was Hamburg. I was there only 3 days 2 nights, from March 2nd to 4th. I have a friend, a volunteer from Mexico named Yosef. He hosted me while in Hamburg. Another luck that I had was because Yosef works in a hostel, so I can get free room for 2 nights. What a miracle! Because it reminds me to my unfortunate experience in Frankfurt ("The Unforgettable Journey of Frankfurt"), and made me keep asking to Yosef, is it really for free or not. He said, I was not the only person who came to that hostel, so there are no worries about. Yes, of course I was super duper excited! I can also eat in the buffet and also for free! Thanks, Yosef!

The other cities that I visited were Dortmund and Munich (München). In those two cities, I got free accommodation as well. Hehehe. Yap, cause there are also two volunteers who stay there and they hosted me so well. Thank you Avi and Silver!
However, there’s one city that I never planned it before. This one didn’t need an accommodation cause it’s really close to Munich and I can do a going-back trip from Munich, that is Salzburg, Austria. Yap, finally I was ‘out of border’ again after Poland trip. Hahaha. It was pretty unplanned cause I just decided one day before I went there. It was because the information and recommendation from my friend, Anastasya. Thanks, sist!

So, what did I do when in Hamburg, Dortmund, Munich + Salzburg?

In Hamburg, I went to several places, for examples Rathaus (City Hall), Binnenalster and Aussenalster (lake), International Maritimes Museum, Landungbrücken (port), Hansabrunnen (plaza), St. George Kirchof (church), Hamburg Central Mosque, and Plante un Blomen (public park), also Reeperbahn St. Pauli. For you who already knew what Reeperbahn is, I won’t tell you more here. Hahaha. But for you who don’t know yet what kind of place is that, please surf to Google and find out more there. Hahaha. But, when I was in Reeperbahn, I didn’t do anything, just passed by cause all I know that place is a touristic place, so why not. But when I was there, I was quite shocked, and decided to just cross over, not pull over somewhere. Hahahaha.

What is the plus and minus while in Hamburg?
It was still snowy and snow was still everywhere. Yeaahh! For me, snow is pretty and I love snow for sure! But I think the snow in Hamburg is just like salt, not like in Berlin that I found before. So, when I made a snowman, it was little hard to build it, so I just made a little snowman.

Another plus side that I found in Hamburg, it was one of my cheapest trip. But there’s one thing that I don’t really like about Hamburg. Hamburg is just like Berlin, little bit dirty. So maybe because Hamburg is the second biggest city in Germany after Berlin, so it’s pretty similar as a typical urban life. The second thing that I don’t really like is the wind! Oh my God! Hamburg is closed to the sea of Baltic, so don’t be surprise to be blown away by the wind during your trip in Hamburg. It’s similar like in Rostock and Gdansk (Poland), oh myyyyy!

How was in Dortmund?
For this, I would say this is the coolest trip I’ve ever had. Because another volunteer from Indonesia live there so she hosted me during 3 days, and of course we speak Bahasa almost all the time. Hahaha. Even though I visited only less places rather than Hamburg or other previous cities, I was impressed by Dortmund, cause it’s clean, well-organized, less lewdness, and the people are so nice as well. Places where I’ve visited were Botanischer Garten Rombergpark, Stadtgarten, Westfalenpark, Phoenix See, St. Reinoldi Church, and of course the football stadium which belongs to BVB Borussia Dortmund, the Signal Iduna Park stadium. And, I went also to Technischen Universität (TU) Dortmund which has hanging electric train. That was super cool!

How about Munich?
Yap, I’ve been waiting for such a long time. In the beginning of my arrival in Germany, I was pessimist and was thinking that I couldn’t visit Munich because it’s so far from Berlin and train ticket or bus ticket is so expensive. But one day, I’ve got an offer to have the cheaper price with Deutsch Bahn (train). So, why don’t I go to Munich? I have also a friend, her name is Silver, and she’s also a volunteer but from Taiwan. Even her apartment is quite far from city center, but that was totally fine for me. I’ve already been so lucky when I knew that I have an acquaintance who live in Munich. 

What made me so grateful while in Munich was because one football club. Yap, who doesn’t know Bayern München? I am not kind of person who is into football, but since 2010, I already supported one football national team, and yes that is Germany! And guess who my favorite football player are? Manuel Neuer and Thomas Müller! But I prefer Neuer to be honest, cause he’s sooooo gorgeous. I must scream if I hear his name or look on his snapgram in the Instagram. Hahaha. So, when I arrived in Munich central station, I was super duper excited cause I imagined that I am in one same land with Manuel Neuer!!! There was also a funny but silly story, when my train departed from Dortmund to Munich (transferred in Düsseldorf), it passed over a town called “Gelsenkirchen”. When I Googled, yes that is a town where Manuel Neuer was born. That’s my first excitement. The second excitement is, it was March 27th and the fact is Manuel Neuer also was born on 27th of March. What a luck! I was speechless for sure. And yes, when I arrived in Munich, I was really really really excited. Like never found this kind of thing before in my life. It was also unplanned, so it was just happened. I will never forget that experience ever in my life.

So, what I’ve got in Munich?
A lot!
If people would visit the city hall or the center of Munich, I didn’t. The very first destination was Allianz Arena. The second one was Olympiastadion. Yap, you may all know that I am a biggest fan of Olympic Games, so it’s a must to visit Olympia Stadium when you knew that Munich has one. There’s also a funny moment when I was on my way from Allianz Arena to Olympiastadion. The area of Olympiastadion or Olympiapark is also the same area of BMW Headquarter. I was quite shocked because I put BMW Headquarter into my bottom list to be visited. But then, I realized that BMW Headquarter is really closed to the Olympiastadion. So, before visited Olympiastadion, I went to BMW Welt (kind of car show room) first, and then afterwards I went right away to BMW Museum. Well, I had also a top list to go in Munich, it’s Englischer Garten. It may not has a meaning for other tourists, but for me, the park is little bit important. Because every time I saw on Manuel Neuer’s instagram, he posted quite often some stories and put “Englischer Garten” in the location. So, I think it would be great if I visit the park before I regret forever. Hahahaha. 

So, how was Salzburg?
On March 29th, I decided to do a solo trip to Salzburg, Austria. Yap, this also made me so excited. After such a long time no crossing the Germany’s border, last time was only to Poland, finally I went out of my ‘comfort zone’, hahaha. Why Salzburg? Firstly, it is closed to Munich, only 1,5 hour by train. Secondly, all I know Salzburg is still a part of Bayern (Bavaria) even it’s already Austria, but for train ticket, people only need to buy a “Bayern Ticket”. So, with 25€, I can already reach Salzburg, Austria, or I can use it to other places that still in Bayern area (Nürnberg, Ausburg, etc). All those information I got actually from my Indonesian friend who live in Stuttgart, Anastasya. She recommends Salzburg to me and it’s worth. Thanks, Anastasya!

While in Salzburg, I had not so much time because I went only one full day and I did it on purpose. So, I went from Munich central station at 09.55 AM, and arrived safely in Salzburg central station at 11.40 AM. There was a dramatic moment that I got lost to another part of Salzburg, it was kind of being far away from the touristic site, but it was okay because I think getting lost is a real solo trip. Hahaha. So, after getting lost for 40 minutes, I finally found the area of tourist attraction and it is an old town of Salzburg. There are sooooo many places that would be the most amazing touristic sites I’ve ever visited. May all people know that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the great Austrian composer, he was born in Salzburg, so there is a Mozarts Geburtshaus (Mozart’s Birthplace) and Mozart Monument in that area. There’s also a castle named Festung Hohensalzburg which is so so so beautiful! It’s located in the peak and tourist need to climb the hill. But for tourist who has more money, they can use fortress train that could bring people up to the hill which is amazing. But because it costs about 12€ per person (for adult), so I decided to just walk and climb the hill by my own foot. It was tiring but the view from above was so wonderful!

Besides Festung Hohensalzburg, there are also many catholic churches that could be a good list to visit in Salzburg, and they are in the same area, so tourist only need to walk around the area. They are Stiftkirche Sankt Peter Salzburg, Erzdiözese Salzburg, Stift Nonnberg, Dom zu Salzburg (Salzburg Cathedral), and Franziskanerkirche. There’s also südliche Dombogen and Der Florianibrunnen which are also good for taking pictures and post on our Instagram. Unfortunately, I didn’t go to the museums, despite there are so many good museums to visit, such as in Mozart’s Birthplace, or Salzburg Museum, however I have limit time and budget. Hehehe. So, maybe next time.

After 4 hours in Salzburg and feel enough, I decided to go back to Munich before late night. Back in Munich, I still had some energies to walk around the city center. Even I got flu and a sore throat in that moment, but I didn’t care. Hahaha. Somehow, I felt better when I see around. So, I went to several places in the city center, like Karlsplatz (Stachus) and Marienplatz which is similar to the Alexanderplatz’s Berlin.

My impression to Munich?
I’ve seen this city as a nice, clean, and more international rather than Berlin. The urban development is also nice and well organized. The thing is I was so comfort during my holiday in Munich. I don’t know whether the government make it on purpose in every corner of Munich that being better because of the Easter holiday, or just like that since long time ago. Well, I would say I am so satisfied to spend my holiday in Munich, even though I went only certain places and there’s actually more places that I should go.

And how about Salzburg?
Yap, I’m so impressed cause of this small city. Even Salzburg is small compared with Munich or Berlin or even Dortmund, but I love the infrastructure. So beautiful and orderly. Moreover the local transportation. In other cities in European countries, they may have Tram, but in Salzburg they don’t, but the buses are alike to the normal tram. So physically it’s a bus but it has an electric string above which is just like a tram, and that is super cool!

So, from this “3+1” Trip, I would say that this is my ‘boyish’ trip. Hahaha. Yeah, because 80% of my destination list was about football club, football players, stadium, sport, and automotive. Hahahaha. Moreover when in Dortmund and Munich just like I’ve told you before. 

Thank you so terribly much to Hamburg, Dortmund, Munich + Salzburg! I hope someday I could visit you again in one another fine day, going crazy again there. Hahahaha.
Well, can you guess where my next destination is?

Thank you Hamburg!

Thank you Dortmund!

Thank you Munich!

Thank you Salzburg!


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