
Showing posts from October 21, 2018

"How Movies Make Me Feel Alive"

(courtesy Pinterest) by Yulia Sutjahjono Movie. How many often do you watch movie? Once in a week? Or even once in a month? Me? Uncountable. Doesn’t mean I want to show off that I am a queen of movie. Nope! Or so that people think I am cool? Nein! This time, I want to share about what I feel, what I’ve experienced by watching a movie, and why does movie make me so alive. Since 4 or 5 years old, my dad always bought me new DVD or CD of children movies every month, sometimes every week. Well, I think the kids nowadays also get the same way by their parents, and also animation videos from Youtube, but since in my generation Youtube wasn’t so popular yet like this moment, so DVD is one of the alternative answer. Those DVDs are Tom and Jerry , Snow White , Cinderella , Tarzan , Alice in Wonderland , Sesame Street , Spongebob Squarepant , etc. Well, not all of them my parents bought for me, some were also rented from the movie rental or just watch it in the br